
 2024年05月02日  阅读 108  评论 0




1. abandon 2. abbreviation 3. abide 4. abolish 5. abide by 6. abide by the law

7. ability 8. abnormal 9. aboard 10. abortion 11. about 12. above

13. above all 14. abrupt 15. absence 16. absent 17. absolute 18. absolutely

19. absorb 20. abstract 21. abstraction 22. abundant 23. abuse 24. academic

25. academy 26. accelerate 27. acceleration 28. accent 29. accept 30. acceptable

31. acceptance 32. access 33. accessible 34. accessory 35. accident 36. accidental

37. accommodate 38. accommodation 39. accompany 40. accomplish 41. accomplishment

42. according to 43. accordingly 44. account 45. accountable 46. accumulate

47. accuracy 48. accurate 49. accuse 50. accustomed 51. ache 52. achieve

53. achievement 54. acid 55. acknowledge 56. acne 57. acquire 58. acquisition

59. across 60. act 61. action 62. active 63. activity 64. actor

65. actress 66. actual 67. actually 68. acute 69. adapt 70. adaptation

71. add 72. addicted 73. addition 74. additional 75. additive 76. address

77. adequate 78. adhere 79. adhesive 80. adjacent 81. adjust 82. adjustment

83. administer 84. administration 85. admirable 86. admire 87. admission 88. admit

89. adolescent 90. adopt 91. adoption 92. adore 93. advance 94. advanced

95. advantage 96. advent 97. adventure 98. adventurous 99. adverse 100. advertise

101. advertisement 102. advice 103. advise 104. advisable 105. advocate 106. aerial

107. aerobic 108. affection 109. affectionate 110. affiliate 111. afford 112. afraid

113. African 114. after 115. afterward 116. against 117. age 118. aged

119. agency 120. agenda 121. agent 122. aggressive 123. ago 124. agony

125. agree 126. agreement 127. agricultural 128. agriculture 129. ahead 130. aid

131. aim 132. air 133. aircraft 134. airplane 135. airport 136. aisle

137. alarm 138. album 139. alcohol 140. alert 141. algebra 142. algorithm

143. alien 144. alienate 145. align 146. alignment 147. alive 148. all

149. alliance 150. allocate 151. allocation 152. allow 153. alloy 154. almost

155. alone 156. along 157. alongside 158. aloud 159. alphabet 160. already

161. also 162. alter 163. alteration 164. alternative 165. although 166. altitude

167. altogether 168. always 169. amaze 170. amazing 171. ambitious 172. ambulance

173. among 174. amount 175. ample 176. amplify 177. amusement 178. anaemia

179. analogous 180. analyse 181. analysis 182. analyst 183. analyze 184. anatomy

185. ancestor 186. anchor 187. ancient 188. and 189. anecdote 190. anew

191. angel 192. anger 193. angle 194. angry 195. anguish 196. animal

197. animate 198. animated 199. anniversary 200. annotate 201. announce 202. annoy

203. annual 204. anoint 205. answer 206. antibiotic 207. anticipate 208. antique

209. anxiety 210. anxious 211. any 212. anybody 213. anyhow 214. anyone

215. anything 216. anyway 217. anywhere 218. apart 219. apartment 220. apathy

221. ape 222. apologize 223. apology 224. apparatus 225. apparent 226

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